Funny Mao Mao Heroes of Pure Heart Quotes
This is the best video ever! Nobody cared but you!
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"I Love You Mao Mao"
- Mao Mao tries to activate Badgerclops' blaster to attack the Sky Pirates, but turns it into a spatula instead. In their little tussle, they cause the ship to dump Orangusnake's more formidable crew members overboard. One even says they're okay after hitting the ground.
- After seeing the remaining pirates (Ramaraffe, Boss Hostrich, and Ratarang), Orangusnake declares that they're doomed.
- Mao Mao at first assumes all the Sweetie Pies are children, but when he asks, one states that he is thirty years old.
- When Muffins offers a pie to him, Badgerclops says they can never leave now.
"The Perfect Adventure"
- Adorabat's cute little explosion noises.
- King Snugglemagne has a harpsichord hundreds of feet underground in a sealed chamber, his reason for this? He's very shy.
- Badgerclops struggles to climb a strenuously long staircase only for the camera to zoom out to reveal that it was only a couple steps.
Badgerclops: (Disguised, carrying Mao Mao and Adorabat in a sack) But y'all are way heavier than you look!
Adorabat: (whispers) That's because I have dense bones!
- When the chef opens up a bag, he greeted by Mao Mao's face.
- When Mao Mao and Badgerclops tackle and frisk the king, Adorabat slowly starts to make a creepy smile.
- When Mao Mao tell Badgerclops to put on a costume, he asks how he he go one so fast. Mao Mao replies that he has a million disguises and laughs. What even funnier when it cuts back to Mao Mao he's WEARING a disguise!
"No Shortcuts"
- Adorabat's upgrades have a sassy A.I.
A.I.: Unauthorized user. Don't touch me, bro!
- Badgerclops was okay with Adorabat's upgrades even when she went chaotic with it. Up until it exploded his burger.
- Badgerclops says that Adorabat can keep her upgrades. However, Mao Mao stomps on it and unconvincingly acts like it was an accident.
- Badgerclops is repeatedly found to be eating burgers, much to Mao Mao's vexation.
Mao Mao: Where did you get that burger?!
Badgerclops: I don't tell you 'everything' that happens in my life!
- This bit:
Scoops: I had to pull an all-nighter, but today's paper is finally ready to— (One of Adorabat's stray missiles hits the paper and carries it off.)
Scoops: (Slowly curls into a fetal position and quietly wimpers)
- Mao Mao turns off lights by slicing them.
- One flashback has Badgerclops sitting at the kitchen table, frustrated, while Mao and Adorabat scream gibberish at him.
- Adorabat's face as she imagines what it's like to be big.
- "I'm molting!"
- when Mao Mao is talking to Camille and Honey about the chaos he's causing, you can see the gigantic Badgerclops happily dancing while this is happening.
- And if you listen closely, Badgerclops actually lampshades this!
Badgerclops: Dancing! In the background!
- Badgerclops makes an analogy about how Mao Mao and Adorabat walk all over him like a shoe.
Badgerclops: (Tearfully) You know, because your feet are on the ground and the shoes are under your feet... (Sniffles) The analogy works!
- In order to get Badgerclops back to normal size, Mao Mao and Adorabat grow giant size as well and annoy him. One of the things they do is build a giant bunk bed.
Adorabat: We displaced THOUSANDS of woodland creatures.
- At the end, Mao Mao wonders if there was something they forgot. Cut to one of Adorabat's giant shed skins flopping over a house.
- Scoops gets mad whenever someone sends her a video she wanted to record.
- Mere seconds before that scene, the news report is about how Pinky and Todd got stomped on by Badgerclops. When Badgerclops finally shrinks back to his normal size, Todd jumps out of his left leg, then runs off.
"Mao Mao's Bike Adventure"
- "Nobody cross this tape, it's time for a public meltdown."
- Adorabat answers only "yes" to all of Mao Mao's questions.
Mao Mao: You know something you're not telling me, don't you?
Adorabat: Yes!
Mao Mao: The identity of the one who stole my bike.
Adorabat: Yes!
Mao Mao: Really? Uh, so you're hiding them!
Adorabat: Um, yes!
Mao Mao: Where are they?
Adorabat: Um, line?
Mao Mao: What?
Adorabat: I don't know what I'm supposed to say here.
Mao Mao: Adorabat, you're not just, you're not supposed to say yes to everything I ask.
Adorabat: Oh! Okay!
Mao Mao: Alright, start again, start again, start again.
Mao Mao: Who stole my bike?
Adorabat: Yes!
Mao Mao: [groans]
- When Badgerclops notices a piece of food in Mao Mao's teeth he takes it out and eats it himself.
- When Mao Mao realized he was wrong about who stole his bike, he turned to stone.
- The exaggerated revisions Badgerclops and Mao Mao do to the story of how they met. Mao Mao makes Badgerclops a big baby in a diaper; then Badgerclops claims that he only faked having his foot trapped, showing him putting a tiny pebble on his foot, which Mao Mao has trouble lifting.
- Once Adorabat has had enough of Mao Mao and Badgerclops' smothering, she screams twice and runs for the door.
- When Adorabat finally escapes from Mao Mao and Badgerclops, how does Adorabat find the possible solution of getting Mao Mao and Badgerclops to be friends again? By accidentally flying right into the stone wall that happens to be the location where Mao Mao and Badgerclops first met.
- At the end, Mao Mao suddenly realizes they left the oven on; cut to their headquarters on fire.
"Not Impressed"
- When the Impressaur is decapitated offscreen by Mao Mao, Lucky, who happened to be watching Mao Mao do it, slowly turns around, takes off his glasses, and falls to the ground.
- "How DARE you listen to me, when I'm talking about YOU!"
- Adorabat's reaction to Ol' Blue's utter lack of a reaction is as funny as it is terrifying.
Adorabat: You're not impressed by us? Well, let me ask you this! *grabs Mao Mao's sword* Do you love your mommy? DO YOU LOVE YOUR MOMMY!?!?
- Adorabat tries to attempt to impress Ol' Blue with an amateur attempt at rapping and break dancing on a cardboard mat. Funny thing is, that it actually worked and Ol' Blue gives her a single coin.
Adorabat: *gasp* I'M RICH!
- When Mao Mao goes to perform for Ol' Blue he places a cardboard mat OVER the cardboard mat that Adorabat placed. They end up doing showtunes to ragtime music.
Badgerclops: (Singing on his knees) Every time my doggy leaves...
- Adorabat brushes her hair with a toothbrush she found in a trashcan.
Badgerclops: Where did you get that?
Adorabat: This big metal can have it to me.
- There's actually a deleted scene where Badgerclops brushes HIS hair with the same toothbrush.
- While Mao Mao comes up with a final plan to impress Ol' Blue, Adorabat gets really tempted to place a little solider figure into her mouth. Only for Badgerclops to tell BOTH of them to stop doing what they're going to do.
Badgerclops: Hey! BOTH of you! No!
"Enemy Mime"
- As the Mime Slime manifests, Pinky is briefly seen honking his car horn at an overturned hay wagon when he has more than enough berth to drive around.
- Adorabat clears the crowd with a police club and helmet and mentions that they got a budget for riot gear.
- Badgerclops mentions that Mao Mao isn't Pureheart's only hero. The sweetie pies then look at Adorabat, who is about to chuck a brick at something and once she realizes everyone is looking at her, she hides it and tries to act innocent.
- Farmer Bun and Cluckins' argument:
Farmer Bun: Maybe it's a bunny.
Cluckins: Or a chicken!
Farmer Bun: Or a bunny...Like I said.
- Pinky becomes so upset at the monster stealing his spotlight that he throws a rock at it in a fit of jealousy. It promptly bounces off and snipes him straight in the head, knocking him out cold until the end of the subsequent riot.
Pinky: Why is everybody so interested in this thing? I'm pink. I'm disgusting.
- Adorabat finally realizes that you can't trust everyone nice to you and acts heartbroken about it. One second later, she's completely over it and acts like nothing changed.
- Apparently, Sweetie Pies have social security.
- Shortly after Mao Mao's first attempt at arresting Rufus and Reggie, someone throws a folding chair right in his face.
- Penny can be seen throwing Benny into the pond for a gift. Later in the episode, Benny can be seen amongst the piles of stolen goods Rufus and Reg have. Even funnier is the fact that Benny is not held against his will in any way - he just happily sits there.
- Rufus is so traumatized by the sight of Mao Mao and Badgerclops taking off their very convincing disguises that he questions if he's even real. Rufus then attempts to unscrew his own head.
- Mao Mao tells Rufus about his plan and manages to get ahead of himself by saying that they arrested them, he became a true hero and his family loves him and Badgerclops points out that those things haven't happened yet.
"Bao Bao's Revenge"
- The look on Badgerclops' face as he dry-heaves from seeing what's left of Mao Mao's tail.
- Mao Mao yells at Kevin to grab on to the spear, scaring him during the process, once Kevin does properly grab it, Mao Mao treks on like he didn't just traumatized the kid.
- When she and Badgerclops have to fight the monster, Adorabat's response is "VIOLENCE! WOOOO!"
- A woman says that she can't find her children after placing them in a storm drain for safe keeping. Mao Mao tells her that she is under arrest. Cut back to her and her children pop out from right behind her.
"Popularity Conquest"
- Adorabat's "signature."
- The incredibly creepy manner in which Mao Mao is prepared for his makeover.
- The clothes that Mao Mao tried on for his new look, which include Finn from Adventure Time and Robin from Teen Titans Go!
Snugglemane: (Seeing the Finn costume) Oof, that's over!
Snugglemane: (Seeing the Robin costume) I've seen that one all the time.
- New!Mao Mao helps Pinky break into someone's house. Not long after, a toilet flush is heard from inside.
- When Mao Mao returns to his normal self, Adorabat is so amazed that her eyes slide off her face and land on a plate of bacon and toast, making her eyes look like eggs.
- When Scoops tries to interview Badgerclops at the start of the episode, he just belches into her microphone.
"Sick Mao"
- This exchange:
Badgerclops: Adorabat, call the police.
Adorabat: We are the police!
Badgerclops: Oh...
- Slim Piggens exclaiming "Oh boy, snow!", happily running out of his house to the scene of Mao Mao fighting a monster, pauses, then runs back inside with the same happy look on his face.
- When Badgerclops whispers into Adorabat's ear the only thing you can hear that isn't gibberish is "Really big shoebox."
- Pinky was ready to cannonball into a pond, only for the water to freeze while in mid jump and landing flat on his groin.
Pinky: Cannonba— (Lets out a soft grunt that quickly turns into an agonizing scream)
- While Mao Mao refuses to admit that he's sick, he ends up having to test the King's food if it's not poisoned. The king was eating seafood and dairy.
- Apparently Chamille had no ideas that germs were transferred through the mouth.
- Mao Mao fighting the monster using his own cold.
- Once all three are sick, they have a nice time recovering and relaxing. Cut to Pureheart Valley, which is engulfed in flames.
"Thumb War"
- The video game Badgerclops and Adorabat play rudely interrupts Mao Mao's meditation, making him accidentally choke on a bird.
- Adorabat gets excited about the tournament and starts beating Badgerclops on the back, which massages him.
- Mail Mole takes defeat remarkably well.
Mail Mole: (In a cheerful demeanor) Ouch. That is pain.
- When he sees Mao Mao's stubby thumbs, Chubbum says the following:
Chubbum: Oh, I'm gonna touch those later.
- Just the fact that Big Thumb Pete is a country bumpkin who gets really creepy whenever he talks to Mao Mao.
Big Thumb Pete: There's no shame in havin' lil' ol' opposable thumbs! Besides... (whispers into Mao Mao's ear in a deep voice) Yer gonna LOSE..."
- In the previous year's tournament, Big Thumb Pete was so successful that he apparently killed his final opponent, leaving only a scorchmark and their grieving widow behind.
- Pinky's constant interruptions.
Snugglemane: (notices Pinky stealing a bowl of fruit and tackles him) Hey, put those down!
Pinky: You're not the king of food!
Snugglemane: Those are wax, you fool!
- Later, Pinky is seen nonchalantly eating a wax apple.
- Eventually, Pinky gets a microphone of his own, implying that they just gave him one to keep him from derailing the event.
- Chett the Reff is thin-skinned.
"You're disqualified for sassing me!"
- Adorabat getting a participation trophy.
"It's for participaption!"
- Badgerclops won the tournament by basically bribing everyone to which Mao Mao tells everybody that they are under arrest.
"All By Mao Self"
- Mao Mao, while blindfolded, accidentally makes a sandwich that breaks his teeth.
"Call the dentist."
- Because of his leg-weights, Mao Mao asks Badgerclops to manually assist him (offscreen) in using the bathroom, much to his horror. Mainly with holding his cape up.
Badgerclops: (screaming) I don't like this!
- Mao Mao's increasingly masochistic attempts at training himself, which includes having Adorabat dump a pot of live scorpions on him.
Badgerclops: What is wrong with that kid?!
- Badgerclops takes the weights Mao Mao used on his legs, and puts it on his head, turning him into an attractive man.
Badgerclops: Knew it.
- "You just got beat by a child!"
- "Little things have the most venom! Like me!"
"He's the Sheriff"
- When the trio comes home after a mission, it took them a while to notice that the king was sitting on their sofa before they got home.
- The king has secret tunnels and trapdoors running through the entire kingdom. Blue just so happens to be reading on top of one when it starts to lower itself into the ground.
- The look on Adorabat's face after getting shaved when they try to donate hair.
- In order to gross the king out of his duties, the Sheriff's Department tasks him with freeing Pinky after "accidentally" getting stuck in the fence. Again. Snugglemane does so by smearing butter all over him as Pinky is clearly taking a sick thrill from it all. Butter that he so happened to have been eating.
- After he's violently forced out of the fence, Pinky goes back to eating butter like absolutely nothing happened.
- The Sheriff's department have to save Benny and Penny from being run over because they have decided to have a picnic in the middle of the road.
- The king fight video Badgerclops showed.
- "Ow, my cannoli!"
- "I bet your eggs come from your butt!"
"Bobo Chan"
- "Mao, someone took your pointy thing and replaced it with a broken one." "NOT AGAIN! HOLD ON, I'M COMING!"
- Adorabat's relentless desire to kill Bobo-Chan.
Adorabat: It must be destroyed.
- Badgerclops decides to move to the forest with Bobo-Chan and they create a very dramatic scene complete with moody setting. Then Adorabat says that the forest is the other direction and they do the same dramatic scene again only it's in the right direction now.
- Badgerclops and Bobo-Chan both have a musical number and when Bobo-Chan sings, she says nothing but "baba." At one point, she sings it like a solo from an R&B song.
- During said musical number, Mao Mao tells Adorabat to go back inside the house.
- The face Badgerclops makes after shaving.
- The Sky Pirates were surprised that something so simple as jumping up from a bush and tying everyone up actually worked! Ramaraffe was the one who came up with the plan, but she fell asleep.
- Ramaraffe later wakes up and emerges from her hiding place, only to see the heroes dealing with a gigantic monster. She immediately turns around.
- The Sky Pirates trying to throw Badgerclops off a cliff to his death, only for him to be thrown back up each time.
Orangusnake: Can you fly?! If you can fly, you LEGALLY have to tell me!
- Mao Mao, Badgerclops and Adorabat give a fully grown Bobo-Chan a heartfelt goodbye...until they see that she's heading straight towards the kingdom.
- Badgerclops learns that Mao Mao's real name is Mao Mao Mao, and even calls him that throughout the episode.
- When Badgerclops offers cobbler to Shin Mao, he rejects as part of the heroes code. Badgerclops is clearly upset by this and just before he could get really angry, we Smash Cut to Adorabat's attempts.
- What does Adorabat have to show off to try and impress Shin Mao? Her bone collection (to quote Badgerclops, "that is not healthy") and that fire from Breakup that they forgot to put out.
- King Snugglemagne's snoring.
Snugglemagne: Me, me, me, me, me, not you.
- Orangusnake says even though Shin Mao isn't his dad, he still feels like he disappointed him.
- While it comes with the big reveal of Shin Mao being even smaller than even Mao Mao, Badgerclops' schadenfreude-choked laughter provides some much-needed levity.
- Also, Adorabat's face as this happens.
- Also, Adorabat's face as this happens.
"Legend of the Torbaclaun"
- Badgerclops tries to take Pinky out of a drainpipe, but keeps pulling out pipes instead. When we cut to Mao Mao, you can see Pinky handing Badgerclops the pipes.
- The jig Chubbum does.
- The news anchor's awkward pause before he introduces himself, implying that even Sweetie Pies find their own names ridiculous.
"I'm...Silly Billy."
"Thank you...mommy."
- "Beep! Beep! I'm a motorist!"
- Pinky brags about wanting to uproot a tree with a backhoe, realizes that he's on the news, and demands that he have is face blurred. They do so. Poorly. While he laughs like a maniac. On live television.
- The look on Mao Mao's face when he realized he built a trap just to not catch anything.
- While Mao Mao laments the potential consequences of the Torbaclaun hysteria, Pinky is seen leaving an outhouse in the background. Seconds later, he goes right back inside.
"Meet Tanya Keys"
- One of Tanya's disguises was Pinky with huge muscular legs.
Mao Mao: You're not even trying anymore!
- Tanya says she doesn't own solid-gold Motorcycle, only to later reveal that it was a half-lie.
Mao Mao: I thought you said you DIDN'T have a solid gold motorcycle!
Tanya Keys: It's a truck, get over it!
- Tanya tricks Badgerclops into letting go of Mao Mao's hand by offering him a pudding cup.
- The reveal that Badgerclops wasn't restrained while he was in Tanya's bag and that he could have escaped from her at any time.
Mao Mao: Dude, really?
- Mao Mao is called back to the castle by a panicking King Snugglemane. He arrives to find the king cowering behind his throne in fear of Pinky, who had just covered himself in a thick layer of mayonnaise, screaming that he has "achieved his final form."
Pinky: BOW TO ME!!!
Snugglemane: (screams and faints in terror)
- Mao Mao imagines Badgerclops as a prisoner gleefully eating a sandwich and playing a harmonica while behind bars. His fear is not that Badgerclops would be in jail, but that he wouldn't realize it's supposed to be a bad thing.
- Mao Mao had to spit out an ENTIRE dolphin during his chase.
- Adorabat gains control of the aerocycle.
"Weapon of Choice"
- Mao Mao says that there's danger in the air, just as Pinky floats by in a balloon, calling for help.
Badgerclops: (Forms a megaphone from his robot arm) Pinky! Let go of the balloon!
Pinky: NO! I stole this fair and square! - Mao Mao uses his katana as helicopter blades to catch up to Pinky, who starts to freak out when the blades approach him. Quick cut to purple goo splattering all over the ground, which turns out to just be jam on a slice of bread. Later, Pinky shows up bandaged from the waist down.
- When Badgerclops offers a meatball to Adorabat, she ends up with his whole hand in her mouth.
- This exchange:
Adorabat: I just overcompensated in the bathroom!
Badgerclops: (later) Hey, I didn't hear a flush...
- Chubbum had a cupcake as his little brother.
Badgerclops: (normal) Dude, that's a cupcake. (excited) IT'S A CUPCAKE!
Chubbum: (offended) His name is Bubbums!
"The Truth Stinks"
- The suggestive way Badgerclops eats a beignet.
- Badgerclops' smell forms a hand and slaps Pinky in the face and with Pinky being Pinky, he just giggles creepily and follows after it.
- "Second verse of the Crystal song! I can't think of a word that rhymes with song!"
- Mao Mao and Adorabat's attempts to get Badgerclops clean (which result in each one backfiring), which involves the following methods:
- Mao Mao attempts to use some sponges to hit Badgerclops with, including a larger one, but Mao Mao gets hit by the biggest.
- Adorabat tries to use soap, but Badgerclops manages to dodge the blast from the soap, covering Adorabat's entire body in the soap to the point where only her eyes are visible.
- Mao Mao trying to use a mop to clean Badgerclops, but fails to reach him.
- Adorabat trying to use fresheners, followed by her and Mao Mao trying to use fans. When those fail, Adorabat throws a freshener like a grenade, only to miss and blow herself up with bath bombs.
- Mao Mao trying to use deoderant on Badgerclops, only to be pushed into a hose Adorabat is holding, causing Mao Mao to be blasted out of the window with Adorabat holding on to the hose.
- Finally, Mao Mao and Adorabat try to go with Mao Mao's plan to trap Badgerclops in the shower, but just as the two prepare to start the shower, Badgerclops chuckles and says he's full, much to the shock of Mao Mao and Adorabat, and the latter two fall just as the shower starts up, drenching them both.
- After all that, Adorabat decides that she's.... had enough.
Adorabat: I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! *Pulls out a bucket filled with bath bombs and a lit stick of dynamite* I HAVE TO END THIS!
*Adorabat rushes over to a sleeping Badgerclops, but Mao Mao quickly grabs her*
Mao Mao: Adorabat, no!
- When he and Adorabat are out in an open field, Mao Mao tries to hide the fact that he and Adorabat are staying away from Badgerclops due to the stench by lying that they have expanded and decided on working on a second HQ. Unbeknownst to Mao Mao and Adorabat, Badgerclops' bionic arm is stretching right towards them, and once it reaches the two, it wraps them both up and pulls them back to where Badgerclops is standing at breakneck speed while Mao Mao and Adorabat scream (while metal music plays), and once they are both in range, Badgerclops uses the arm to slam Mao Mao and Adorabat to the ground.
- The faces Mao Mao and Adorabat made when the smell was touching them.
- Then, Badgerclops tries to get Mao Mao and Adorabat to fess up, claiming he can take personal criticism, and the stench becomes too much for Adorabat to handle, so when Mao Mao tries to explain to Badgerclops, this happens:
- Adorabat bluntly tells Muffins that her cookies are bad, to which Muffins runs off crying. Mao Mao comments how that was kind of mean but Adorabat says they should only be nice to their friends, and she doesn't consider Muffins a friend.
- When Badgerclops comes in Mary-Poppins style, he lands right in front of Chubbum and Gary, who both immediately fall over on the ground once Badgerclops arrives because his smell has gotten that bad.
- When the monster attempts to suck Badgerclops into its nose, only the upper half of Badgerclops could get through, and Badgerclops manages to turn his light on to find Mao Mao and Adorabat, who are completely trapped due to some substance preventing Mao Mao and Adorabat from being able to move. When Badgerclops is forced out of the nose due to the monster not being able to take the stench, eventually he finally comes to the realization that he smells, just as Mao Mao and Adorabat (both covered in snot) are shot out, and when Badgerclops asks if it is true that he stinks, Adorabat responds, "It stunk less inside the monster..."
- After the monster is taken care of, Badgerclops removes the crystals, revealing that he hates showering. Mao Mao and Adorabat, who have had enough, force Badgerclops to shower, with Mao Mao spraying him with the hose, all the while Badgerclops yells that it's so cold.
Adorabat: Don't forget to get under his arm plate.
"Trading Day"
- Badgerclops thought Adorabat was the same age as him and Mao Mao, unaware that she's a child who goes to school.
- As Badgerclops and Adorabat are all excited about swapping lives, Mao Mao is going through immense pain as the robot arm assimilates with him. Neither Badgerclops or Adorabat even acknowledge Mao Mao's screaming.
- Nearly all of Badgerclops' log entries end with him saying that he's going to run away.
- "11 and 12 should called One-teen and Two-teen. And that's all I have to say on the matter. And yes, I'm gonna say a lot anyway!"
- Adorabat has a zero tolerance policy towards bullying.
- And as Mao Mao and Badgerclops laugh, Adorabat continues with:
- After Badgerclops was called mean names by the kids in Adorabat's class, he runs away to a bush where he is cooking Mac and cheese. Once the kids come back around however, he pours the Mac and cheese he was cooking from the pot, directly into his suitcase.
- The episode ends with Badgerclops taking Mao Mao home, and when Badgerclops turns to the camera, his face looks like Adorabat.
"Head Chef"
- The show Adorabat was watching:
Announcer: Welcome to Head Chef where we make cooking look more stressful than it already is!
- While Adorabat waits for her breakfast at the beginning of the episode:
Adorabat: Yo! Is my breakfast ready? My tummy's grumbly...
Adorabat: Stop it!
- The King just keeps tripping over stairs and making noises that might remind you of a certain reporter from an old viral video
. On live TV, no less.
- When Adorabat threw a spatula, it exploded.
Adorabat: *to a Confession Cam* I'm gonna miss the spatula Mao Mao gave me...
- This bit:
Mao Mao: Did I mess up you "mathematics?"
Mao Mao: *also to a Confession Cam* Yeah. I was trying to. How many of these do you want me to do?
- This line after Mao Mao demonstrates his cooking skills during the contest:
Adorabat: *to a Confession Cam* Someday, I'm gonna cook just like Mao Mao, even though I'm not supposed to make fires...after...what I did...
- Adorabat flips over a plastic egg and makes the sizzle noise herself about a second later.
- Adorabat's exploits continue to concern, as King Snugglemane closes in to check how she's doing and it's revealed she's cooking in a toy set, complete with plastic food; she makes the sizzling noises.
'Snugglemane: Something's wrong with this one.
Adorabat: *to a Confession Cam* My dad says it's because I have a rich inner life! (giggles)
"Orangusnake Begins"
- Orangusnake notes that when he was two people named Coby and Tanner, they did everything illegal together, including theft, bribery, and environmental activism.
- Once Coby and Tanner became the basis for what would be Orangusnake, the guy they tried to steal from earlier un-eats the banana he took from them and put it back into its peel, unpeeled it and gave it to them along with his wallet.
- Mao Mao, while beating Orangusnake, whispers to him the following.
Mao Mao: Psst. Hey, your friends are only PRETENDING to like you...
Orangusnake: What?
- "You're not the pizza man..."
- The way Adorabat mispronounces Emotional Manipulation is funny as it is precious.
Adorabat: Emotional... Manipination!
"Sugar Berry Fever"
- As Mao Mao gives in and guiltily eats a piece of the cobbler, his ancestors start showing up as spirits to shame him... including a recent uncle that never actually died.
- The face Mao Mao makes when he's about to get caught.
- One of Mao Mao's ancestors is a sumo wrestler that has four nipples.
- When Badgerclops was scared and held on to Adorabat, she barks at the monster like a dog.
- The fact that Farmer Bun was able to take down Mao Mao while being only half his height.
- Mao Mao finally asks Farmer Bun for the cobbler, despite the fact that it was all destroyed during the fight against the monster, barn and all.
"Captured Clops"
- This exchange:
Mao Mao: (having just caught Adorabat while she was falling) Adorabat, be careful, alright? Stealth boots are not a toy!
Adorabat: Then why are mine colored like a toy?
Mao Mao: Ahem, I found them at a toy store. Now, do you know the difference between a legendary hero and a bad guy?
Adorabat: I destroy the bad guys! And ruin their lives.
Mao Mao: (laughing) Yes, that. But also a bad guy never does his chores! Take for instance...Badgerclops.
- Instead of doing chores, Badgerclops is playing a video game where you do chores.
- It took VERY LITTLE effort for the Sky Pirates to convince Badgerclops to join them.
- "Depression! The perfect recruitment tool!"
- How do the Sky Pirates capture Badgerclops? Orangusnake uses a hand puppet, passing it for a magical being, and persuades Badgerclops to fall for an obvious trap baited with candy, which is really a pile of painted rocks.
Badgerclops' brain: I don't know if I should trust this magical puppet.
Badgerclops' stomach: MMMMMM, CANDY!
- "Do some magic!" "Uhhh... no."
- "Are you sing-crying at the lake again?"
- Badgerclops' reaction to the pretend food thing.
Badgerclops: Uh, this is really weird. That's it. I'm running away.
- When Mao Mao and Adorabat infiltrate the Sky Pirates' ship in an attempt to rescue Badgerclops, Badgerclops breaks it to the two of them that he's not going back and sings for one final time, which Mao Mao discovers is a bad sign. Then Badgerclops pulls a lever, which opens a trap door from under Mao Mao and Adorabat, but only Mao Mao falls due to Adorabat flying. Then Adorabat deliberately falls down the trap door as well just because Mao Mao did, leaving Mao Mao and Adorabat to scream on the way down.
- Badgerclops generally gets way too much into the Sky Pirate thing, changing his accent, deploying a hook hand from his robot arm and even usurping Orangusnake.
- During the infiltration, Mao Mao subdues Boss Hostrich and Ramaraffe with karate chops. Then Mao Mao finds Ratarang fast asleep and decides to just leave him, only to then change his mind and karate chop him as well.
- When Mao Mao and Adorabat get back on the ship, when Mao Mao makes his attack, Badgerclops sees Mao Mao run at breakneck speed to punch him. Only for Mao Mao to reveal that he just casually walked up and punched him.
- We learn the Sky pirates were also hallucinating because all they had to eat was imaginary food.
Orangusnake: Oh, this is...pretty common side effect of...not ever eating any real food. Curse you, grocery shopping!
Badgerclops: Whoa, whoa, wait! Grocery shopping?! WHY DIDN'T SOMEONE JUST GO?!
Orangusnake: Pfft. You're not my mom.
Badgerclops: (frustrated groan) I need to get out of here before I lose it on you!
- When Badgerclops fixes the aerocycle, Orangusnake says that he won and it was all Badgerclops' fault, but Badgerclops reveals that he put off fixing the generator and plugged an extension cord into someone else's house (which turns out to be Penny and Benny's house) and tells the Sky Pirates to do their chores and switches off the extension cord, similar to what happened to him when Mao Mao switched off the game at the start of the episode.
- Badgerclops bows to the Sky Pirates in a gentlemanly manner before leaving.
"Thank you for having me."
- After Mao Mao mentions that the dentist appointment was rescheduled the last two times because of some school thing Adorabat said she had, what is Adorabat's response?
Mao Mao: "That's not a thing."
- Mao Mao and Badgerclops trying to get Adorabat's spiritless body onto the aerocycle, which is easier said than done.
- Mao Mao nearly throws out his back during his first attempt.
- Meditating Merlin's reaction to his rotting teeth after returning to his corporal body.
- Also the reveal that he achieved transcendence because he didn't want to go to the dentist. Apparently, this is pretty much the only way to transcend.
- And he's voiced by Dana Snyder.
- Mao Mao's attempt at getting Adorabat to come back involves a party full of the things she loves. This includes piñatas... which the Sweetiepies are utterly incapable of rupturing.
Badgerclops: *giggling* How are they so bad at this?
Mao Mao: They're not even wearing blindfolds.
- Chubbum refuses to pop a balloon because it's "too cute." Badgerclops then runs after him and his balloon with a spear in hand while Chubbum screams bloody, froggy-voiced murder.
- It also bears mentioning the piñata's full of bugs and smoke bombs, since she loves both things. When a monster attacks the party just as Adorabat comes back, one of her moves is to smash said piñata in the monster's face; the latter's expression is exactly as horrified as you'd expect.
- Adorabat has finally faced her fear of going to the dentist, and it turns out the dentist isn't actually as scary as she thought! At least until the dentist brings out a massive and painful looking drill.
"Baost in Show"
- The King notices that Chubbum isn't clapping, because his arms are too short. He says that he's trying and cries because the guards are pointing spears at him.
- The judge knew that Badgerclops wasn't a dog the whole time.
- Mao Mao tries to escape the castle using Badgerclops' arm as an escape rope. He pulls it out too far and it lands on a guard with an 'explosion.'
Badgerclops: Mao Mao? I think my arm did something bad...
- Mao Mao makes Badgerclops sit and roll over like a dog.
Badgerclops: You may have proven your point, but you did not win.
- Adorabat's pet was a fly, that she accidentally ate and was disqualified after.
"Fright Wig"
- when Mao Mao tried to show Brett the Chef the cake evidence, it disappeared. Cut to Badgerclops and Adorabat with pink icing on their mouths.
- Badgerclops was too busy trash-talking someone while playing online to hear the alarm.
- Camille can only see everyone's aura, but calls it "Rainbows on Fire."
- She then runs off like a crazy person, only for Honey to chase her with a dogcatcher's loop.
- When Mao Mao questions about the cake being in the floor, King Snugglemane says that they were throwing a birthday party for the floor.
- Adorabat tries putting on her best Puppy-Dog Eyes to make the king confess... And when it doesn't work, Adorabat immediately flips out, smashes a chair and threatens him with one of the pointy bits.
- Snugglemagne, eager to get the sheriff's department out of his castle, claims that Quinton pressed the sheriff's alarm by accident, and calls for someone named Ronald to take him away. We see a large figure vaguely resembling an executioner standing ominously in the shadows before dragging Quinton off with him.
"Sleeper Sofa"
- For dinner, the Sky Pirates are having a metal beam.
- Apparently Ramaraffe in particular has gotten tired of metal; the main thing she likes about the infiltration is being in a place that has actual wood, among other generally non-metal items. The destruction of all these makes her weep.
- This exchange:
Mao Mao: Where did you get those balloons?
Penny: What are you? A cop?
Mao Mao: Uh, Yeah.
(Penny and Benny look at each other fearfully before running away)
- Boss Hostrich shows an appreciation for Adorabat's watercolor paintings while the Sky Pirates are sneaking around Mao Mao's house. Later on, Ramaraffe pulls Adorabat into the sofa they've been hiding in during the climax.
Boss Hostrich: Could I commission y'all for some more artistical pieces?
Adorabat: How will you pay me?
Boss Hostrich: With...EXPOSURE!
Adorabat: [screams in horror]
"Mao Mao's Nakey"
- Instead of helping Mao Mao climb the Ruby Pure Heart, Badgerclops and Adorabat leave to play with a cache of toasters they found. This is revisited several times in the episode.
- What Mao Mao thinks is an attack on the Sheriff's Deparment headquarters is actually Badgerclops skeet shooting toast.
- When Adorabat asks if he thinks one of the toasts they made looks like Mao Mao, Badgerclops think they all just look like upside-down butts.
- Badgerclops and Adorabat made a hat and a high chair, respectively, out of toast slices.
- The cartoonish way in which the wind blows Mao Mao's clothes off.
- Mao's sash slips off to reveal he has a pudgy belly.
- Mao Mao crashing through the roof of the castle and landing next to Snugglemane in his bed.
Snugglemagne: This is too warm! (throws away the cape he was using as a comforter) (screaming} QUINTON!! (pounds and kicks like a kid having a tantrum) I want my milkies!
- Because Mao Mao's fur is a solid black, he is literally invisible when in the shadows. He escapes the King's guards simply by opening and closing his eyes in the dark to confuse them.
Mao Mao: What ever they pay these guys is too much.
- Pinky's pastime of home invasion is revisited.
Gary: (investigating the sound of Mao Mao running around) I think Pinky's on the roof again!
Pinky: (Pops his head out of a window) No I'm not! I'm in Slim's attic!
Slim Piggins: (Opens the window beneath Pinky) Yeah, please don't be! You're not welcome!
Muffins: (Opens a window) Could you all pretty please BE QUIET?!
- Mao Mao's attempts at stealth results in him being scalded by hot tea, dumped in garbage, landing in a thorny bush, having barbells dropped on him and nearly being burned alive. All without anyone noticing.
- Chubbum's dad sounds exactly like Mao Mao.
Slim Piggins: Was somebody just screaming?
Chubbum: Yeah, kinda sounded like my daddy. DADDY!
Chubbum's dad: Son, where you going?
- This exchange:
Adorabat: Why are you wearing his belt on your head?
Pinky: (angrily, dressed as Mao Mao) What are you, a cop?!
Badgerclops: You know, actually I'm not...a hundred percent sure.
- Mao Mao has a complete meltdown in public come morning, bragging and ranting about his own body, going so far as to shake his rear end in their faces. And it all ends up becoming a viral video, thanks to Gary - to whom Mao Mao pays a visit.
Badgerclops: (laughs) This is the best video ever! Nobody cared but you!
Mao Mao: Why didn't you stop me?
Badgerclops: Cause it was hilarious.
"Lucky Ducky Mug"
- Badgerclops thinks Mao Mao's Lucky Duck mug is ridiculous... while drinking from an oversized soda cup.
- Mao Mao says "I have to pee", which Badgerclops thinks is Too Much Information. As he comes back out, Mao Mao says he set a new record.
- When told not to touch the Lucky Duck mug, Badgerclops instead slams the table so that the mug jumps around. Adorabat instantly joins in as soon as she realizes he's not touching the mug. Naturally, the mug breaks just as Mao Mao returns.
- After declaring that they will now work in professional silence, Mao Mao wipes off his mouth. Badgerclops tries to do the same, but can't and wonders how he did it.
- Slim Piggins completely misunderstanding the Sheriff's Department's attempts to mime "jump into the net" while his home is on fire.
- The fact that Slim is completely unperturbed by the flames, which he apparently started by making cereal.
- A sudden backdraft or gas explosion sends Slim flying out of the window, missing the safety net with a loud squeak. The three have a silent argument over it instead of helping him up.
- We are shown what each of the Sheriff Department's members are thinking: Mao Mao wonders if the others are still sorry they broke his mug, Badgerclops is singing about how he's done nothing wrong, and Adorabat is playing death metal in her head.
- The Sky Pirates discover that they can read each other's thoughts while keeping quiet, and use this to trap the Sheriff Department, but it all falls apart when they can't decide on what to call the giant laser they were planning to kill them with.
- In the end, Mao Mao forgives Badgerclops and Adorabat after they repair the mug with molten gold. Then he learns that the gold was from his rare Lucky Duck coin collection.
"Lonely Kid"
- We see child Mao Mao do his first evil laugh and first deep voice.
- "Nobody makes friends at art school, come on."
- Young Mao Mao catches bees instead of butterflies, which proceed to mercilessly sting the local bug catcher.
Adorabat: Everybody knows bees are our friends.
Mao Mao: Actually, they were wasps.
Badgerclops: A friend to no one.
Adorabat: (beat) You tell stories weird. - As young Mao Mao is chased by an angry mob of villagers, he stops to say hi to his Aunt Gloria. Who then grabs her pitchfork and joins the mob.
"Try Hard"
- Badgerclops' sniper rifle fires globs of gelatin that expand into giant cubes of the stuff after hitting a target. When trapped by the stuff, Mao Mao fails to eat his way out because Badgerclops made it taste horrible to keep its victims from escaping in the exact same way. The Sky Pirates do just that.
Orangusnake: Nothing's impossible to eat when you're starving!
- Adorabat has no issue eating it because it's bug-flavored.
- Adorabat disguising herself as Ratarang with only a colander and two spoons.
Ramaraffe: (extends her neck closer to Adorabat) Ratarang? Uh, say something Ratarang!
Adorabat: Umm... Pasghetti!
Adorabat: Oh no! (dives under the table)
- When Adorabat knocks out Ratarang, she thinks about what Mao Mao would do, she answered it with "hide the body" and proceeds to drag his unconscious body away.
- Badgerclops starts out in a tree with his sniper rifle, making modifications to it before aiming at the sky pirates. He sings a cute little song as he does so, which has a hilarious tonal shift.
Badgerclops:(singing) "Up in a tree...little old me...gonna do something...ugly."
- Later, the tree Badgerclops was sitting on breaks, which causes him to fall by Mao Mao. There's a Beat where Mao Mao and Badgerclops awkwardly stare at each other as they are inches away from each other's faces before the gelatin goes off and captures them both and lands them in the Sky Pirates' ship.
- Adorabat is frustrated that she can't open an elevator to get to the upper deck and despairs that she can't think of a way to get there... while flying ten feet in the air.
- This pays off when Orangusnake deploys the "Omega Shield"... a drinking glass shattered on the floor. When she finally figures out she can just fly over the shards, Orangusnake and Badgerclops are shocked, but for different reasons.
Adorabat: I...can fly!!!!
Orangusnake: She can fly?
Adorabat:I can fly.
Mao Mao: She can fly.
Badgerclops: She forgot!?
Mao Mao: [beat] Eh, I'm still proud of her.
- This pays off when Orangusnake deploys the "Omega Shield"... a drinking glass shattered on the floor. When she finally figures out she can just fly over the shards, Orangusnake and Badgerclops are shocked, but for different reasons.
- Orangusnake's face when he realizes he'd been duped by a five-year-old.
"Scared of Puppets"
- The episode starts with the sheriff's department sorting through their junk and throwing out anything that doesn't brink them joy. Adorabat happily screeches that nothing brings her joy.
- Mao Mao's fearful attempts to perform mouth-to-mouth CPR on Mr. Din Danalin as part of an adult learning annex. His subsequent freakout triggers a chain reaction that destroys the building, much to Pinky's devious delight.
- There were only two students at the class: Penny, who just wanted to show off her hairstyling products, and Pinky, who just wanted to eat hair.
- When Mao Mao sees that Badgerclops brought Mr. Din Danalin in as the CPR dummy, we see his face turn pure white, and it shows his nose and whiskers.
- Mao Mao's various attempts to get away from Mr. Din Danalin. Which starts with this scene:
(Mao Mao promptly hightails it once Badgerclops and Adorabat are distracted, but Badgerclops catches on and runs after him.)
Badgerclops: Stop running away from your fears, dude!
Adorabat:(flying after them) Hey, I couldn't see it!
- Badgerclops yelling at Chubbum after he asks to come along with him with Mao Mao...after putting a barrier in front of a pothole instead of actually filling it.
Badgerclops: Chubbum I signed your dumb cast, now LEAVE!
- Mao Mao informs a handcuffed Slim Pigguns that he's going to jail for repeatedly trying to sell cacti (which are apparently illegal.) Badgerclops and Adorabat (with puppet in hand) leap out from a dumpster and scare Mao Mao, who spins around and clocks Mr. Din Danalin in the face, reminiscent of a certain viral video.
If you listen closely, you can hear Badgerclops quietly whimper in pain afterwards.
Slim Piggins: So can I go home now?
"The Perfect Couple"
- Mao Mao coughs up his binoculars in front of Badgerclops and Adorabat, much to their utter horror.
Badgerclops: Pl-hi-hease, stop doing this!! I will buy you a bag to hold your stuff!
- Benny's tuxedo and Penny's Dress are so large and cumbersome that they are constantly T-posing.
- Orangusnake instantly marries Penny after she whispers her credit score to him.
- The look on his face when she whispers it is the icing on the cake.
- When he sees the Wedding cake, Badgerclops wipes drool from his mouth they same way you would wipe a tear from your eye.
- "I always cry...
- wedding meltdowns."
- ...when food gets wasted."
- The Sheriff's Department loses control of the arm-cannon-propelled bush their hiding in while stalking Penny and barrel straight through several houses before eventually crashing into a wall.
Kevin: (Dressed in a tie, sunset and high heels) Tee hee! I'm a gwown-up! (The bush through him, dragging him along with the Sheriff's Department while leaving Adorabat in his place.)
- "I'm okay!"
- This exchange:
Badgerclops: Okay, so, they're a little weird. It's not like one of them is, like, a creep or — Wait a minute. Where'd they go?
Mao Mao: A nondescript sack. Very suspicious.
Pinky: (Suddenly appears in the bush they were hiding in) I bet he's hiding something REAL creepy! (Laughs manically)
Mao Mao: (Throws Pinky out of the bush)
- "MOVE, KEVIN!!!"
- When Mao Mao boasts that Orangusnake won't make it to the County Clerk's Office to marry him and Penny before he defeats him, Orangusnake just uses his authority as captain of the ship to marry him and Penny on the spot. Cue Big "NO!" from Mao Mao.
- When Adorabat's father Eugene finds her with "total strangers" (read: Mao Mao and Badgerclops), he immediately calls the police. Badgerclops' phone starts buzzing.
Mao Mao: (Answering Badgerclops' phone) Sheriff's department, what's your problem?
Badgerclops: (To Eugene) Yeah, I wouldn't try going over our heads, justice system is wack.
- After Adorabat moves back in with her dad, Mao Mao spends the following days crying and drowning his sorrows in peanut butter ice cream. Even on the Aerocycle. With his helmet visor down.
- Badgerclops tells Mao Mao to do his job, but once Mao Mao cry-told him that it was peanut butter ice cream, he joins him.
- When Adorabat angrily declares that she will go back to the cave and fight the cave monster herself, she goes into her room and slams the door...and promptly plays the same death metal music from "Lucky Ducky Mug" and "Bobo Chan".
- Adorabat telling her dad that someone broke in and ate all his junk food with cheese dust smeared around her mouth.
- Eugene thought the reason his daughter was missing was she was at Banjo Practice. For Eight Months.
- Both Mao Mao and Badgerclops were shocked to know that Adorabat has a dad. Mao Mao thought she was an orphan, while Badgerclops thought she was his conscience.
"Badgeafire Explosion"
- Several of Badgerclops' "Ultra Focus" inventions, including:
- A cooking robot that vomits pizza.
- Giant robot legs that get embarrassed when pantsed, and that its unwilling pilot (Chester) cannot actually control because he's too tiny to reach the controls. Mao Mao is particularly amused by the sight.
- An exoskeleton that forces Mao Mao to dance with holographic backup.
- A translation collar for a dinosaur monster, which it uses solely to announce its motives. They're about what you'd expect.
I EAT YOU! I have no remorse or concept of empathy! JUST EAT! AND EAT! AND EAT!
- The "Badge-a-Fire Explosion" turns out to be a Pirates of the Caribbean-style ride with Animatronic versions of the Sky Pirates. At the end, Mao Mao asks whatever became of the real Sky Pirates; they are revealed to be trapped inside the animatronics.
- All of the Sky Pirates have to suffer through the humiliation, with the exception of Ratarang, who actually enjoys it.
"Zing Your Heart Out"
- The ending.
Chester: The only thing weird here is YOUR FACE! Got em'.
Mao Mao: Chester, You know what's better then a zing?
Chester: Uh, what?
Mao Mao: Physical comedy. *The trio starts walking towards Chester*
- Pinky ripping out a zinged Chubbum's teeth. In fact, he's been collecting all the Sweetie Pie's teeth in a bucket. Badgerclops gets him to talk by threatening to keep them all to himself.
- "Nobody likes you." (This is followed by Adorabat firing her beam at Boss Hostrich.)
- "No one thinks you're funny." (This is also followed by Adorabat firing her beam at Chester.)
- This exchange:
Adorabat under the effects of the Ruby: Marion, you overgrown meat head! BLEGH! You've got less personality then a wet cracker, and Penny's accent is FAKE!
Penny: (sobbing) How did she know?!
"Strange Bedfellows"
- Mao Mao and Orangusnake being so obsessed with fighting each other that they both are completely oblivious to the giant monster attacking their associates... until it attacks them and puts them in the hospital.
- Badgerclops calling for "timesies".
- Three words: Hospital. Bed. Jousting.
- Ratarang's lunch is a banana, which is the exact same size as his body.
- Before that it was wrapped to look like a firearm.
- Dr. Cuddlestein pulling Lucky out of Orangusnake's stomach.
Orangusnake: Yeah, that was my lunch, jerk!
- Every time Orangusnake lands on his feet, we see an X-ray image of his leg bones breaking, until they are piles of dust.
- Right when Adorabat and Badgerclops walk into the hospital room, Orangusnake is in the middle of trying to swallow Mao Mao.
- Adorabat brings Mao Mao a bag of Cheddar Paws. However...
Mao Mao: This is empty.
Badgerclops: Just like my heart when you hurt yourself like this!
- Because of their incessant fighting, Mao Mao is forced to wear a cone around his neck while Orangusnake is suspended from the ceiling by straps like a baby's bouncing seat.
- Apparently the official medical term for hairline bone fractures are "whoopsie-boo-boos."
- Badgerclops questions Boss Hostrich's name, since he's not a boss.
- Boss Hostrich, Ratarang and Rammeraffe go gaga over a vending machine.
- Badgerclops points out that they could all have stuff like this if they quit being Sky Pirates. Hostrich tells him they won't do that because they just enjoy hurting people that much.
Ratarang: This is the most beautiful thing I ever saw over here!
- In a blink-and-you-miss-it moment, Farmer Bun is sitting in the waiting room alone with a bear trap on his foot.
- If you look closely, all the framed pictures in the hospital's hallway are reused background assets from the show.
- Just for the hell of it, Parker Simmons uploaded onto Twitter a voice clip of Mao Mao singing a sad song while melodramatically lamenting his separation with Bao Bao. The way he blubbers about it makes it sound like he's absolutely drunk. Fans wasted no time in animating this gem.
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