When to Feed Using Fox Farm Ocean

  • #1

would a mars hydro ts 600 be a good light for a beginner like myself and would this be sufficient for just 2 simple autos in a 90x50 grow space and can i expect a decent yield from that ? i will be using fox farms (ocean forrest) soil and will go 18 hours on 6 hours off and will be going for fast bud auto gelato and another fastbuds auto seed havent made my mind up yet (please suggest).also if iam in a area with hard/very hard water do i need to purchase calmag or shall i purchase some instead to be on safe side. what sort of yield could i be looking at if anyone has a ruff idea from there experience. the only problem iam coming to is how do i feed my plants after the ocean forrest soil nuits begin to run out is ther a schedule for ocean forrest soil like a basic one with i have seen the fox farms schedule but looks a little complected and think to much nuits for a auto thanks for your help guys and i look forward to hearing your answers.

  • #3

i think i will stick with fox farm nutes i have drew myself a little schedule after the 4 weeks when the nuits in the soil begin to run out i think iam maybe on to something after a lot of research and dont want to get put off this little thing i have going and going to pray it works ok its just a fox farm feeding schedule really dummed down for what i should need and iam using half of the measurements fox farm recommend to 1 gallon/ and feed 2 times a week/ with regular ph water inbetween if necessary im going to try get my climate around 28c and 50 55% humidity through out the grow maybe raise the humidity during veg but i want to try keep a steady humidity i would say my tent will drop to 25c maybe little below during lights off how does this sound to you guys

and thankyou for the luck im sure i will need it hehe.

  • #5

i haven't bought the nutes yet but i highly think iam going to go with ff after stuff i have heard they good for a beginner and learning basics.iam also in the uk maybe i will look at plagron light mix 1 day...yes alot of people have told me and i have seen that its advised not to feed your auto girls nutes for atleast 3 to 4 weeks in fox farms ocean Forrest as nute burn will be your problem if soo.and of course i wont feed a gallon each to my 3/4 week old plants..... i think i will start them on about 200/250 ml and add 50 ml extra water (with mixed nutes in) every week and a bit so i will never water/feed more than 550 /600 ml in the plants at 1 time (that measurement meaning each plant).i think i will only need to feed nutrients twice a week in flower and veg maybe 3 times in flower if i have done that and the soil is needing moisture i will just water with phed of 6.0 6.5. or if ther is a specific ph for this soil then that ph hehe

and no i wasn't planning on it but maybe i will just to help myself a little more i think and would good look back at once iam finnished.

if you think thers anything else i can improve like should i be feeding more water or anything please feel free brother.

  • #6

i think i have just found out you cant get fox farm products in the uk
all days research out of the window errrrrrrrrrr. is ther stuff similar to fox farm ocean forrest soil ?

  • #7

i think iam going to go with plagrom now XD now looking into them could you give me anytips ahahahahahaha should i go for the pro mix soil the batmix soil or the allmix soil ? and do you possibly have a feeding schedule yourself for after the slow realese nuits run out in the soil ?



The more I learn, the less I know. :)

  • #8

If you haven't bought nutes yet, I recommend Mega Crop. Simple and reliable. The combination of Pro Mix HP myco medium if that is available in your area and Mega Crop will grow you some beasts if you get it right. If not Pro Mix, any peat based medium with limited nutes would work fine too. Make sure to add at least 30% perlite if your mix doesn't have it already. You want a soil mix that is well aerated, and perlite does the job. Coco works a treat as a soil mix base, but it is fussier than peat based mixes, so sticking with peat for an initial grow might save you issues getting the nutes and calmag sorted.

Just be careful of soils that are pre-charged with more than just initial nutes. Lots of peeps on here run into excessively hot soil mixes for seedlings. Pro mix just has a very mild initial nute charge, and you can easily ramp up Mega Crop concentrations as the plants progress.

Good luck with your grow. :pighug:

  • #9

bio bizz light mix is in my area is that good enough ? and with the mega crop do i put that on top of the light mix when feeding then water on top with ph balanced water? or mixed into the medium from the start ?

  • #10

is there a schedule for mega crop for autoflowers like how much megacrop to use per litre and how many feedings it needs like in veg and flower can anyone help pleasee ive gone through so many options and i hope mega crop is the right one it seems like it but not alot on schedules for a noob like me


Source: https://www.autoflower.net/forums/threads/new-grower-wanting-to-use-fox-farms-ocean-forrest.77238/

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